The excited octopus 🐙🌊

In the middle the ocean far from shore, there was a cave filled with coral there were all different colour-coral there was-white, light pink etc.  the cave was also very rocky but perfect for them! but there was only-one springing octopus that liked playing-the-piano but this octopus also-had-no friends just because his favourite coral was white! So he snuck out of the cave silently but also made sure he was gentle also-he-liked-playing-the-piano he was very polite so he went and asked the other octopi if he can be their friends and they-all scream “YES!!” and then he had a-very-exciting-and-happy-life with his new friends!!


  1. Gracie,
    I love that the piano-playing octopus took his future into his own tentacles and went in search of others who understood him. Polite, gentle octopi (and people) deserve to find others just like them!
    Keep writing.
    Mrs. G.,Team 100, Guilderland, NY, USA

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