Monthly Archives: March 2022

My spelling quiz!

we did a great fun spelling quiz for you to try out! enjoy.

The mysterious tree ðŸŒēðŸŒģ👐

Gracie and Taya were walking along the pines, when suddenly a rabbit ran past in a hurry giving us a signal to follow it. so we followed slowly at the rear end of the cute fluffy little rabbit. when suddenly he leads us to a tree but its not a normal tree “THE TREE HAS HANDS” yelled Taya as I heard a whistle like the wind swaying past the trees rapidly. Gracie felt her heartbeat beating as fast as the leaves blowing into her face as the tree lets out a roar. “AHHH” just that day she disappeared randomly, suddenly.

The excited octopus 🐙🌊

In the middle the ocean far from shore, there was a cave filled with coral there were all different colour-coral there was-white, light pink etc.  the cave was also very rocky but perfect for them! but there was only-one springing octopus that liked playing-the-piano but this octopus also-had-no friends just because his favourite coral was white! So he snuck out of the cave silently but also made sure he was gentle also-he-liked-playing-the-piano he was very polite so he went and asked the other octopi if he can be their friends and they-all scream “YES!!” and then he had a-very-exciting-and-happy-life with his new friends!!